The above picture was taken at the Shenandoah Baha'i School in Massanetta Springs, VA, where we visited during the first two days of September. Lots of friends, family, fun and sun throughout the whole weekend. See more photos here. (Click on "slide show".)
Family and friends have been visiting us at home in Blacksburg, too. View photos. (Click on "slide show".)
Daddy, who had been home with me on summer vacation during my first month, had to return to work in mid-August. He is unhappy about leaving me for 8-9 hours a day, 5 days a week. Luckily, Mommy is home with me all the time, except for a few hours on Friday afternoons when she takes a college course -- and Granny watches me then. I can spread the love around to all of them, and still have plenty left over for others.
In the past week or two I have started to smile deliberately. Mommy and Daddy make noises and faces at me, and I reward them with a grin. I utter all sorts of sounds while my parents talk and sing to me, and they think I'm trying to communicate with them. I am changing and evolving all the time. And all this growth is fueled by Mommy's milk. Powerful stuff.
I produce a not insignificant number of messy diapers on a daily basis. And I love to hang out on my changing table, so that works out well. That's the main place where Mommy and Daddy play their "communication" games with me. I am motivated to return to that spot. In fact, I'm going to sign off now so I can concentrate all my energies on getting back to the changing table.
Until next time,