Friday, July 27, 2007

Discovered: Crumple Horned Snorkack

Our baby sure makes lots of funny noises. She snorts. She squeals. She makes sounds that we can't find words to describe. We've begun referring to her as a crumple horned snorkack (of Harry Potter fame--if you haven't read the series you don't know what you're missing), because the funny-sounding name of that animal seems to sum up for us how we feel about all these unnameable noises.

Baby is 11 days old today. A few pictures we've taken in the past week are located here.

Click on slide show.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. She is so adorable! Congratulations you two!! Cannot wait to meet her!

Unknown said...

We love the pictures! They're so great! Lots of love to all three of you!
Neda & Ayman