Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Mona was a cowgirl for Halloween.

She started walking several weeks ago.

She likes to stand behind objects and push them around as she walks.

Her vocabulary is growing every day. She likes talking about hats, but doesn't like to keep them on long.
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Unknown said...

Beautiful! What a happy girl.

As to the hat: Try using things that aren't hats as hats.

Take care!


tmonajjem said...

I love the shot of her walking ahead of you. what a cutie!

we are approaching the final stretch. Just 9 weeks to go.

many hugs and kisses to all three of you.


Anonymous said...

I think I recognize that cute, "Watch this, I am about to have some fun," face in the first couple of shots.

She's so cute! Hope all is well.