Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm 6 Months Old!

Check out some recent pictures of me here.

Click on the "slideshow" button, and increase the rotation speed; or hit pause and forward to the next picture at your leisure.

Bon voyage!


Anonymous said...

Soooooo cute.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah and Mehrtash and Mona! It's so good to see you at least in pics and see that you're doing well. Little Mona is soooooo beautiful and seems to be doing great! All is well here with us and Malia. Hope to be able to see you guys sometime soon :-)
Love, Sima

Mutale and Jarrett said...

Hey there! I have enjoyed looking at the pictures. Wow! Mona has grown! time really flies. I will look forward to seeing more pictures. Take care and all the best.

Much love,