Mona just turned 7 months old. What's new with us? Let's see... (click on pictures to enlarge)

Mona experienced her first significant snowfall in January. Work was canceled for Daddy on a few days due to the weather, and we all put on jackets and ventured out into the cold. Mona was excited about the falling snowflakes.

Mona recently started eating solid foods, such as rice cereal, sweet potato, avocado and pear. Here she is eating for the first time.

She makes funny faces while eating, and there's no telling how much of the food actually gets down the hatch, but she's getting used to the process. (Below, Mona drinks from a glass for the first time.)

This article interrupted by a Dracula sighting:

Mona has grown two teeth, front-and-center on the bottom row. On her upper lip there are two tiny patches of dry skin, peeling off in strategic locations to set up a good photo. What a ham, that Mona.
Hi Sarah & Mehrtash,
This is Sabby, from Yummy Mummy blogspot.
You asked about the Baha'i Prayers books i used with my daughter.
I just posted the details on my blog, here is the link:
Hope this helps, but if you need more info, i will be happy to provide.
Your daughter is so beautiful.
Congratulations and wish you lots of fun times with her.
Much love,
Thanks for the comment, Sarah! Your baby is so precious with the penetrating eyes! Much love to you and Tash, Nizam
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